Adam Pukalo |
There are more than 6,700 cryptocurrencies today; among the better known are Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, XRP, Tether, and Litecoin.
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Adam Pukalo |

I have been actively talking with all clients about how their portfolio is positioned during these uncertain times.

Having a plan and being comfortable with it

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Adam Pukalo |

Stock markets have been recovering from the March 23rd lows.

Some are questioning how fast the recovery has happened and if this trend can continue.


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Adam Pukalo |

Everyone knows the stock market is volatile. How can you position your retirement portfolio to weather the storm? On average, a bear market lasts 18 months when

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Adam Pukalo |

Chicago wheat futures seem the most fragile since the funds are in a long net position, which could lead to profit-taking, or to a market trend reversal. For

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Adam Pukalo |

Grains have been trending higher on news Trump has offered to delay $250 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods.

China’s communication ministry indicated that

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Adam Pukalo |

The Canadian Dollar has been the best performing major currency in 2019.

However, investors seem to be shying away from the loonie recently because the Bank of

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Adam Pukalo |

I often hear clients say they think Exchange Traded Trunds (ETF's) are the same thing as Mutual Funds. While there are similarities, there are key difference to

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Adam Pukalo |

I’ve been paying close attention lately to the November canola futures.

On Oct 2nd, canola broke out of the sideways channel it was in since late June.


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Adam Pukalo |

From July 2nd to July 25th November canola futures have traded in a tight range between $450/ton to $442/ton approximately.

I’m watching for a strong close

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